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Izu Peninsula, lesser known destination you must see in Japan (part 6)

Izu Peninsula, lesser known destination you must see in Japan (part 6)

And while the Eroica Japan's delegation its way back to Japan after their visit to Italy and Mapei...

Last week we left the town of Toi with its beautiful and peaceful white sandy beaches.

Following the narrow road on the coast you can continue heading up to Numazu City.

After about 30 minutes driving from Toi you will arrive in another very beautiful town called Heda, which is already part of Numazu City.

You will immediately realize that Heda is famous for its delicious fishery products as there are always a lot of fishing boats and ships inside Heda Port.


Heda's landscape is so particular and beautiful!

The beach is located behind a small forest and so it is at repair from the strong wind that normally strikes the Suruga Bay coasts. I don't know why but when I'm in Heda I always feel safe, from wind and waves. Of course nothing can save it from a big tsunami (as the one that tragically hit the Noto Peninsula recently), but until then (hoping that will never come!) it is a very pleasant town to stay.

Like Toi, it is quite crowded during summer holidays, but if you go in any other period of the year you probably will find a few people on the beaches and in the nearby fish restaurants.



Heda is a jem, not other word can describe it and of course the people living there is very proud of it and its fishery products.

Same as Toi, you can leave the town by two different ways.

Going up to the Heda Pass from where you can then reach Mount Amagi, Shuzenji Town and the inside part of the Izu Peninsula, or continue to follow the coast and reach Numazu City, with many small villages in between, like Ita, but I will talk about it next week!

Have a nice start of the week,
