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"In 2012 we started this project called Venezia x Izu, to help creating a connection not only between Venice and Izu, but also between Izu and the rest of the World. In 2020 Japan will host the Olympic Games and Izu will host the cycling events at Shuzenji Velodrome. A big chance for less known local areas to become more open to foreign tourism and to build worldwide connections. Please feel free to contact us for whatever needs you should have while visiting Japan (including camping, water and electric supply)!"

Stolen RMC trucks・盗まれた生コン車

Stolen RMC trucks・盗まれた生コン車

At the end of May the Italian Police arrested 7 persons (5 Rumanian, 1 Albanian and 1 Egyptian) for stealing 8 RMC trucks in Northern Italy (also near Venice) between July of last year and the first months of 2017.

They stole the trucks, rented a hangar, disassemble the truck and ship the parts to Egypt by containers.






Venice Biennale・ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ

Venice Biennale・ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ

The Venice Biennale is an arts organization based in Venice. The first art exhibition (Art Biennale) was held in 1895 and now is still held biennially.

This year you can visit it from May 13 to November 26 in Venice, at Giardini Gardens and all around the city. The Japanese Pavilion at the 57th International Art Exhibition is the "Turned Upside Down, It's a Forest", by Takahiro Iwasaki:



18301915_1514130781964305_3076691610273015644_n.jpgビエンナーレ2.jpgSchermata 2017-05-07 alle 12.55.46-2.png

ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ(Biennale di Venezia、英語: Venice Biennale)は、イタリアのヴェネツィアで1895年から、二年に一度、開催されている現代美術の国際美術展覧会です。ビエンナーレとはイタリア語で「二年に一度」を指します。

 ヴェネツィア、ジャルディーニビエンナーレ公園)で20175月13日から11月26日にかけて開催されます。日本館の出品作家は岩崎貴宏です (タイトルは:逆さにすれば、森)


Festa del Lavoro/Labour Day/メーデー

Festa del Lavoro/Labour Day/メーデー

International Workers' Day, also known as Labour Day or Festa del Lavoro in Italy, is a celebration of labourers and the working classes in general, which occurs every year on May Day (1 May).

While it is a normal working day in Japan, the first of May is a national public holiday in many countries worldwide.

In Italy there are many concerts and public events in every city, but as recently many people are struggling to get a job it is changing, from a day of joy and relax into a day of protests and anger against politicians.






Festa della Liberazione + Festa di San Marco・イタリア解放記念日+サンマルコのお祭り(聖マルコの日)

Festa della Liberazione + Festa di San Marco・イタリア解放記念日+サンマルコのお祭り(聖マルコの日)

April 25 is a very important day both for Italy and for the city of Venice.

April 25 is Italy's Liberation Day (Festa della Liberazione). It is a national Italian holiday commemorating the end of the Italian Civil War and the end of Nazi occupation of the country during World War II.

April 25 is also Saint Mark's Day (Festa di San Marco), celebrating Venice's patron saint, San Marco. On this day, men traditionally give a single rosebud to the women they love.




4月25日はイタリア解放記念日です (Festa della Liberazione)。第二次世界大戦でドイツ軍(ナジ)に占領されていたイタリアの地域が解放された記念日です。

4月25日はヴェネツィアの守護聖人サンマルコの祝日とされています(Festa di San Marco)。また、昔からヴェネツィアではこの日、愛する人にバラの花を贈る習慣が続いています。

Venezia FC games LIVE in IZU! 伊豆半島で生放送!

Venezia FC games LIVE in IZU! 伊豆半島で生放送!

It is official: next year Venezia FC will play in the Italian Serie B.

Now also the Venezia FC IZU Official Supporters Club is... OFFICIAL!



Starting from the next Serie B season we will broadcast live all the Venezia FC games in the Izu Area (Shizuoka Prefecture).

If you happen be in Japan and want to watch Venezia FC games these are the places to be:



先週には決まりました!Venezia FCはネクストシーズンのセリエBで戦います。

Venezia FC IZU Official Supporters Club公式められました!



何と、ネクストシーズンのVenezia FCの試合を静岡県の伊豆半島で生放送で見れます。

