"In 2012 we started this project called Venezia x Izu, to help creating a connection not only between Venice and Izu, but also between Izu and the rest of the World. In 2020 Japan will host the Olympic Games and Izu will host the cycling events at Shuzenji Velodrome. A big chance for less known local areas to become more open to foreign tourism and to build worldwide connections. Please feel free to contact us for whatever needs you should have while visiting Japan (including camping, water and electric supply)!"
Izu Peninsula, lesser known destination you must see in Japan (part 5)
I'm writing today's blog while Eroica Japan's representative Marco Favaro and NR's president Mitsuya Miyamoto are in Italy visiting Mapei's headquarters. I wish to be there too but for personal reasons this time I couldn't go.
By the way, almost every Sunday, wintertime, summertime, I come to a small beach called Odoi near the small town of Toi.
I used to come with my daughter, now also my younger son and our little dog are joining us as we both like to ride by car through the Izu Peninsula. It relaxes me and they seems relaxed and enjoying it too.
So, last week we came up from Shimoda through some very beautiful and still quite wild landscapes, to reach the town of Matsuzaki. From there you can go both inside to Mount Amagi and the Nishina Pass or follow the coast to reach the town of Toi.
It is a small town but it has everything you might need. Two supermarkets, three or four convenience store, banks, post office, etc... And plus, it is not as crowded as other parts of the Peninsula, except maybe during the most popular Japanese summer holidays.
It is also famous as many other Izu towns for its hot springs.
The Odoi beach is very quite and lesser known than other beaches, so it is perfect to take a relaxing day off with family and children.
It is a small thing that probably only a father or a mother can understand, but its white and coarse sand can be easily removed from children hands and clothes after they have played on the beach.
Toi (and so Odoi) are reachable also by the Suruga Bay ferry that connects Toi and Shimizu City, on the Shizuoka coast:
Then from here it is also possible to reach Mount Amagi or to continue to drive on the coast to reach the beautiful town of Heda which is part of the city of Numazu. The coastal road is tortous but very fascinating!
Next week I will write about Heda and its beautiful beach and port.
「Stupenda! 陽キャ日本代表をイタリア女子に魅せつけろ! 山口イケメンいよいよ出発です」
コンセプトは「伊豆を訪ねる、伊豆に暮らす、伊豆を愛する美しい情勢のために有益な情報と快適な空間をお届けする」 #世界一有名な半島 プレゼンツ「包丁を捨てよ、飲みに出よう。」はいよいよ同じく半島「イタリア」を目指して飛び出した!
インスタグラム と #ショート 始めました!
主に山口イケメンが「今宵も伊豆こで!」と訪ねたお店で食べた一品をリールでご紹介するコーナー。順調にフォロワーを獲得しているが、フォローバックは女性限定、というストイックな掟を適用している。 #世界一有名な半島 Instagram
EROICA JAPAN 2024 を念頭に上述のような交流(オリンピアン、ベロドローム、ポモドーロ、寿司処源氏他)をしているといよいよ世界企業MAPEIがこの伊豆半島をバックアップすることの意味が理解された。
関連記事:「F1のマルボロ、自転車のMAPEI?!」 世界企業【MAPEI】伊豆半島エロイカジャパン2024のスポンサーという価値
Izu Peninsula, lesser known destination you must see in Japan (part 4)
Last week I left you in the beautiful city of Shimoda, located in the most Southern part of the Izu Peninsula.
Once you leave Shimoda you can choose to go in two different ways, to go back up to Mishima City or head west to Numazu City.
In this week's article I will show you some beautiful pictures of the Izu Southern coast between Shimoda and the small town of Matsuzaki.
In a very remote area there is a very strange and interesting place, Hagachizaki, where there are plenty of wild monkeys living free in a sort of small resort.
You have to be careful as they are also walking and staying on the street. They are not aggressive at all, but I prefer not to get out of the car, as with monkeys... you never know...
Going up a little further there are many small villages and one of them is very famous in Japan and one of the top spots of the Izu Geo Park. It is called Dogashima and it is well known for its typical volcanic stony coasts:
When in Dogashima you can take also a boat tour to the Blue Cave and around the beautiful coast. I suggest to avoid weekends and holidays as there should be plenty of tourists already.
Nearby there is Koganezaki, another suggestive and beautiful spot, where you can enjoy a stunning landscape and also visit a very popular Glass Museum.
There are so many beautiful places in this area that is even difficult to name them all. When I drive around there I always find something new, once entering small and narrow roads. So the best thing to do is travel around by yourselves and see by your own eyes!
Koganezaki is near a small town called Matsuzaki. Here you can find supermarket, convenience stores and anything you might need to rest a little bit. From Matsuzaki you can take two different directions: go right to Mount Amagi of go straight to the town of Toi, proceeding on the West coast.
So next week we will continue our trip through the Western part of the Izu Peninsula (my favourite part).
「F1のマルボロ、自転車のMAPEI?!」 世界企業【MAPEI】伊豆半島エロイカジャパン2024のスポンサーという価値
EJ2024ミーティング @ LUMBER
左からfmいずのくにの山口イケメン、地域おこし協力隊マルコさん、山口議員、主催の江口さん。ゾロゾロとLumberに集まりそれぞれにEJ 2024を盛り上げるためのアイディアを出す。
水曜日(17日)いよいよ出発直前の打ち合わせも兼ねて地元イタリアンレストランPOMODOROで打ち上げ。 多くのアイディアが飛び交う会議会議しないこうした飲み会がもっとも生産性の高い時間だ。
全面的なバックアップを約束してくれたオーナーシェフ村越さん(右)と主催者corsa corsa代表の江口さん(左)。
趣味で始めた地域おこしラジオ「包丁を捨てよ、飲みに出よう。」もいよいよ1年以上の時が経過している。今年開催のエロイカジャパンや最近ズボッとハマってしまったパデルなど、スポーツもキーとしてガンガン伊豆の魅力を発信していきます。 #世界一有名な半島 は地域の個人や法人が主体的に故郷の魅力を発信していくドキュメンタリ。
正蓮寺GENJOイケメン和尚から紹介されて宮本さんがっつりハマったパーソナルジムkazuto saitoでは神秘的な筋トレを体験できる。
4日連続で正蓮寺を訪ねまたしてもやってしまったパデルを残コンを利用して市内に設置することでスポーツで地域おこしを企む。「一挙に3拠点も設置?!」パデルとコンクリート(残コンブロック)で地域おこしに挑戦! #3
なお、 #世界一有名な半島 プロジェクトでは直接コンクリートと関係のない話題を発信していますが、地域経済があってこその生コン工場という業態もあって、地域おこしも重要な業務と位置付けて頑張ってますっ。 一人でも多くの方に僕たちの故郷 伊豆半島 を訪ねていただき魅力を感じてもらいたいなっ。