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"In 2012 we started this project called Venezia x Izu, to help creating a connection not only between Venice and Izu, but also between Izu and the rest of the World. In 2020 Japan will host the Olympic Games and Izu will host the cycling events at Shuzenji Velodrome. A big chance for less known local areas to become more open to foreign tourism and to build worldwide connections. Please feel free to contact us for whatever needs you should have while visiting Japan (including camping, water and electric supply)!"

「国際イベント EROICA JAPAN 2024 が伊豆半島で開催されるってこともあって始めますロードバイク」

「国際イベント EROICA JAPAN 2024 が伊豆半島で開催されるってこともあって始めますロードバイク」

御多分に洩れず人口流出が止まらない我が故郷伊豆の国市で来年世界イベントEROICA JAPAN  2024の開催が決まったことを町おこし最後のチャンスと捉えた等身大の生コン工場職員や地元有志らと始まった企画 #世界一有名な半島 の活動が本格的に始まった。
#世界一有名な半島 プレゼンツ「包丁を捨てよ、飲みに出よう。」

プロジェクト #世界一有名な半島 本格始動


本日は生コンポータルの地域貢献活動としても位置付けられている町おこしプロジェクト #世界一有名な半島 の活動が本格的に始まったことをご紹介いたしまっす。

#世界一有名な半島 by fmいずのくに


fmいずのくにのオフィスで当社ハイパーメディアクリエイター小松職員も交えて 本格始動するプロジェクト #世界一有名な半島 の活動についてディスカッション。生コンポータルの本業はあくまで生コン工場ということもあり、限られた予算や時間という制約を打破する秘策について宮本さんのラジオ番組で相棒を努める山口イケメンやfmいずのくにの局長・神田イケメンらとの白熱した議論が展開された。



公式EROICA JAPANから送付が予定されている 2024年の年賀状原稿。


伊豆半島の現在旬な話題としてはEROICA JAPAN 2024を置いて他にない!ということで、当社や協業MAPEIらもスポンサーとしてインボルブドされている大イベントを中心に、一人でも多くの自転車乗りに伊豆を訪ねてもらえるよう有益な情報を発信する、つまり「ペルソナは伊豆を訪れようとする自転車乗り」という趣旨が決まった。



自転車乗りの中でもガチ勢の中でレジェンドとして語り継がれているMAPEIスポンサー1、2、3ゴールの様子。かれこれ当社として15年ほど取引関係にあるイタリアの大企業MAPEIはなんとがちの自転車乗りの方にとっては垂涎の的ということをアルベルトブログで知った。EROICA JAPAN 2024 (Brief Mapei's introduction)




Mapei tendone.jpg



アルベルトと宮本さんそして山口イケメン ロードバイク始めます



EJ 2024を主催するcorsa corsaさんとのご縁から、宮本さん、自転車に乗ったことのない当社職員アルベルト・フェラーリと、ラジオ番組の相方山口イケメンを巻き込んでロードバイクを始めることになりましたことをここにご報告いたします。その模様は、fmいずのくにの協力を得てラジオだけでなく、SNSやHPなどクロスメディアで発信を予定しております。 #世界一有名な半島

まあ、とりあえず、始まったってことでよかったなっ。 知らんかったが伊豆半島といえば自転車乗りにとっては憧れの聖地ってことらしいぞ。 建設・コンクリートに関わる連中以外も大勢来てくれなっ。



生コン屋さんも参画する地域貢献活動 #世界一有名な半島 はそんな文脈から我が地域の魅力を広く世界に発信して地元経済に貢献しようと意図されています。中小零細企業の鏡たる生コン屋さんですから、そんなに大袈裟なこともできませんが、等身大でガッツリこのチャンスに取り組んで参る所存です。



ぉ、おわ?? 生コン屋さんに限らず地元や故郷を思う気持ちは誰にだってあるはずです。美しい故郷を賑やかにより美しく、そんな地元の方々の等身大の努力を引き続きご紹介しますー。。
残コン‼︎ オワッコーン‼︎



EROICA JAPAN 2024 (Brief Mapei's introduction)

EROICA JAPAN 2024 (Brief Mapei's introduction)


When somebody that is not involved in the construction business hear this name he/she will immediately think about cycling.

Mapei has been one of the most famous sponsor of one of the most famous cycling team in history. At least in Europe and America.

An image that stucks in the memory of everybody who has been watching sport in the ninties:

Mapei tourdefrance.jpg

The victory of Museeuw at the Paris-Roubaix of 1996.

Bortolami second, Tafi third. All Mapei's athletes.

In total Mapei has been sponsoring the team from 1993 to 2002, then the President, Mr. Giorgio Squinzi, decided he had enough of doping, that was really a bad habit in those years (and not only maybe).

Mapei Colnago.jpg

We was lucky enough to meet Giorgio Squinzi in one of our visits in Milan, at Mapei's HQ, as we have been and still are dealing some Mapei products for concrete recycling, green and porous concrete related (Re-Con Zero series for concrete recyclin and Mapecube Geo).


Mapei tendone.jpgCamione.jpg

Yes, because Mapei's main businesses are production and sales of products for construction, from adheives for tiles to concrete admixtures to materials for the construction of sport facilities.

This sport related field is an important asset in the Mapei Group, thanks to the love that Mr. Squinzi and his family had and still have for sports in general, from cycling to football.

For this reason , in 1996, Mr. Squinzi decided to open MAPEI Sport, a structure supported by the MAPEI Group world leader in the production of adhesives and chemical sports products for construction, a research center of excellence that operates in the field by carrying out scientific research and also multisectoral assistance to athletes in order to improve their performance.

Wanted in 1996 by Dr. Giorgio Squinzi, CEO of the MAPEI Group, in total harmony of thought and sporting philosophy with Prof. Aldo Sassi, co-founder of the Center, the MAPEI Sport project takes shape with the inauguration of the facility in 1998 MAPEI Sport was created to support the athletes of the MAPEI Professional Cycling Team who for a decade dominated the world cycling scene with scientific rationality and a correct ethical approach.

Over the years, in addition to continuing its activity in the cycling sector, the structure has expanded its areas of intervention by dedicating itself to other sports such as football (Mapei is sponsoring Sassuolo's team), basketball, running, golf, alpine skiing and motor sports, always maintaining its objectives unchanged.

https://www.mapeisport.it/en/our-staff/ )

Mapei sport.jpg

And so, as a sponsor of Eroica Japan 2024 ourselves, we are very proud that we have been able to help to bring this connection between Eroica and Mapei, that will be one of the main sponsor of the event.

And hopefully it will be also an occasion to remember Mr. Giorgio Squinzi, a man who loved cycling and helped a lot the whole cycling movement globally.


いろんな人が個々それぞれに自身の役割を見つけ出し価値が循環するコンクリート(週刊生コン 2023/12/04)

いろんな人が個々それぞれに自身の役割を見つけ出し価値が循環するコンクリート(週刊生コン 2023/12/04)

いろんな属性をの人々が互いに互いを尊重し合いながら協働したりただ同じ空間を共有したりあるいは離れたりする循環の中で個々それぞれが自身の役割を見つけ出し価値が創造されるようなそんな1週間を振り返る(週刊生コン 2023/12/04)。


#世界一有名な半島 EROICA JAPAN 2024


MAPEIや生コンポータル( #世界一有名な半島)のスポンサリングが決まったEROICA JAPAN 2024のプロモーションで訪ねた地元代議士のラジオ番組。 イタリアと日本それぞれにそれぞれの背景を持つ人々が交流し地域が活性化し更なる交流に発展していく。「細野豪志議員のもとにEROICA JAPAN 2024 伊豆半島開催をご報告」#世界一有名な半島
















Eroica Japan 2024, radio interview (Dec.1st)

Eroica Japan 2024, radio interview (Dec.1st)

Eroica Japan's promotion is going on here in Japan.

Yesterday Mr. Eguchi and Mr. Favaro, the two main personaities of the Eroica Japan 2024's committee have been interviewed at probably the biggest Radio in the area. Radio Voice Cue, based in Mishima City, the shinkansen stop near the Izu Peninsula, where all the participants that will come by train will get off to join Eroica Japan.

In 45 minutes they expained the host speakers the history of the event and the reasons of its success all over the world.

It was really interesting for me too, to listen to them and to be for the first time at a live radio event.



We as Nagaoka RMC were present as we, together with Mapei, will sponsor this event and me personally, as Italian, will try to give the best help I can to the participants during the event in May, even if I'm not a bycicle expert at all.

One of the reasons is that I'm born and raised in Venezia (Venice), where riding a bike is prohibited by law. Sometimes some turists ride bycicles though its narrow streets, without knowing that they're risking a fine from the local police. Children are not allowed too, even if rules are not as strict as for the adults.

So the only way for us would be to learn to ride while on vacation somewhere else, in the countryside for example.


Honestly this is maybe the first time that I really feel bad for not being able to ride well and to be able to participate to this great ride around our beloved Izu Peninsula.


We are all looking forward to this big event, sure that it will be a success thrugh the years, as it is in my homecountry Italia!


EROICA JAPAN 2024, a brief introduction

EROICA JAPAN 2024, a brief introduction

Eroica Japan, celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2024, is delighted to announce special tour programs.

These programs are designed to make participating in Eroica Japan easy and to let you fully enjoy the charm of Izu, the event's host location and the beauty of Japan. We have arranged comfortable hotels for easy access to Eroica Village, family-friendly tours to explore Japan after Eroica Japan, and a magnificent tour called 'Samurai Cannonball,' where you can cross Japan from the Pacific Ocean to the Sea of Japan by bicycle in just 2 days. 

This is the presentation of the Eroica Japan 2024 taken from the CorsaCorsa website.

It is really a big event, "born" and created in Italy's Toscana's Chianti region and then exported in many countries, including Japan.

Our Izu region has been chosen to be the place where about 500 bycicle enthusiast will come (May 11 and 12) and drive thru Izu's beautiful mountains and countryside. It has been chosen because of its nature, the mountains, the seaside, its beautiful colors and last but not least because it can be easily reached by all over Japan and also from abroad through Narita and Haneda Airports.

As its Italian name recalls, it is made for bycicle enthusiast women and men, that are the representation of our modern days heroes, so it will be not a journey made for everybody.

There will be four different routes, with four different lenght:

Samurai, 183km, (5am-7pm)

Samurai route.jpg

Odoriko 145km, (6am-6pm)

Odoriko route.jpg

Fuji route 80km 82.7km, (10am-4pm)

Short Fuji75km.jpg

Fuji route 30km 28.7km, (10.30am-2.30pm)

Short Fuji30km.jpg

All these four routes will go through the most beautiful places of the Izu Peninsula, from the east to the west coast, from IzuNagaoka down to the Shimoda seaside, crossing the amazing Amagi mountains.

It will be really a great event and a great opportunity to discover the Izu Peninsula, with fantastic side events, as the bycicle parade and the Italian cuisine festival (Ciao Italia) that will be held in the near Nirayama.

Next time we'll talk about the history of this great event.


